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Build Cultures

A great culture is the ultimate recruiting tool

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” ~ Peter Drucker

Outperforming companies care deeply about culture

and the quality of people they hire.

The most successful culture is a Champion Culture

where both relationships and results are highly valued.

To build a Champion Culture

you to need to attract and retain people who:

Possess high standards for themselves and their team members
Value relationships and results
Treat team members with respect and believe a “rising tide raises all boats”
Value being part of something bigger than themselves

Know what they want to achieve and have a compelling desire and focus to achieve it

DKM partners with you to develop, drive and reinforce

Champion Culture through five major steps:

STEP 1:  Envision ideal culture
STEP 2:  Assess current culture
STEP 3:  Bless and release those that don’t embody the 
Champion Culture 

STEP 4:  Identify, attract, court, secure, and retain people that align with a Champion Culture
STEP 5:  Secure leaders that empower others to embody the Champion Culture

These steps are easy to communicate

yet difficult to implement.

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